An Organizer’s Confession: Even My Spaces Can Get Cluttered

by | Aug 13, 2023 | Home Organization Ideas, Home Organization Tips, Kitchen Organization Ideas | 0 comments

I want to be upfront and honest with all of you, my loyal readers, from time to time even my own spaces can get cluttered. I’ve been living in my home now for almost two years. Now that I know my space a lot better it’s a lot easier to know what should be living in there. I’ve had enough time to figure out what types of things I use and the types of things I don’t use. I look around and have to admit, there are spots in my home needing some decluttering love.

My spice cabinet has been something that has always eluded me. I knew I needed to do something different. Many people don’t realize you can raise the counter inside of your cabinets. You can make them accommodate any way you use it. For example, in my pantry, I have flat shells used for making summer rolls, and I also have a couple of small baking spices. So I made my shelf much smaller in diameter height to accommodate these items that normally just get shoved underneath or to the back of the cabinet.

Even though it seems old-fashioned never underestimate the value of a lazy Susan. They can make a world of difference in cabinets, pantries, craft space and so much more. Plus, they are not a huge investment. A Lazy Susan makes a great addition to this cabinet. This may not seem like a huge step when it comes to organization, but it was something that had been driving me crazy. With 20 minutes of my time and a couple of dollars I now have a functional space that doesn’t cause me angst every time I use it.

Everything in your home should have a purpose, a use, or some sort of value. If things are not being used, what value is that adding to your life? Or, taking away from it?

Even if you create the most perfect systems for yourself and your family you’re still going to have to attend to organizing and re-imagining. Spending 15 minutes a day putting things back in their homes will save you trouble in the future.

Even if you have the most beautiful garden with the most precious flowers, it will wilt and die if you never tend to it. Think of organizing as the same. Your home is your garden, and your space is your soil, so make sure you put only the best things in it so you can watch the beautiful blooms.


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