Organizing When More than One Person Lives in the Home

by | Jun 16, 2024 | General Organization Tips & Tricks, Home Organization Ideas, Home Organization Tips | 0 comments

It just feels good to be organized. It’s nice to be in a space that’s open, airy, and functional. However, organizing can be quite a challenge at times. Especially when more than one person or little persons live in the home. So how do you get everyone in your home on board with getting and staying organized?

First off keep in mind who else uses the space. Bring them in on the organizing ground floor. Ask questions like, “Do you think this will work here?” “Do you have a better idea?” By going through the journey of organization as a team, knowing where things belong will make sense and stick. Everyone on board means everyone will always know where things are and where they go back.

Start small when creating new systems in your home. One section at a time. Let the newness of this organized space sink in. Then start on the next section together. Remember a complete overhaul of your home will take time, support, a conscience plan, and group effort. Make sure you get everyone excited about the new organizational systems so it will remain that way.

It is normal to have a few hiccups for a few days getting used to the new homes for each item. But the newfound order of things is set up to accommodate the way your household lives. It will begin to naturally make sense.


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