Accomplishing Your Goals: What Does Success Mean to You?

by | Feb 11, 2024 | Accomplishing Goals, Psychology of Clutter | 0 comments

I know this will sound cliche, but writing down your goals does work! I suggest doing it at least once a year. Write down your big, huge goals. Don’t censor them. Don’t stop yourself from writing them down because you think they may never happen. This is not the point of this exercise. The point is to embrace what the path you want, looks like.

If there are things on your list you never achieve don’t worry, it’s okay. Who knows, maybe 10 years from now you’ll be able to check that goal off your list! How long a goal takes to achieve is not the focus, only the goal itself.

When I look back on older lists that I’ve created, I am able to check off even more goals. It feels good to recognize these accomplishments. We all forget how far we’ve come, to get to today. Goal lists show how much you’ve accomplished and what else you want to achieve.

Putting pen to paper will map out a concrete plan of action. This is an extremely valuable first step. Miss this step, you end up chasing your tail, never feeling the satisfaction of getting results.

Goals are nothing more than finely tuned plans. By creating measurable goals you’ll see how the small steps produce bigger results. Laying it out brick by brick will keep you on a solid foundation. Skip a few brinks and everything tumbles.

Get a clearer picture of what you want your life (and home) to look like. This is specific to you, not what your friends and family or society think it should be. Keep focusing on your picture of success and one day you’ll be surprised when it becomes a reality.

Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? Only time will tell. Start today because tomorrow you’ll be glad you did!


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