Learn How to Create New Habits and Break Bad Habits

by | Feb 25, 2024 | Accomplishing Goals, Featured Articles, Psychology of Clutter | 0 comments

Bad habits such as biting your nails, overindulging in food and drink, or letting stuff pile up on the floor are the easy way of living. Gaining ten pounds from several chocolate cake dinners is easy, losing those ten pounds is hard. But what if you didn’t have the bad habit of overindulgence in the first place? Now is the time to stop traveling the easy road and plan your journey for the high road. This journey will have ups and downs. Remember breaking bad habits can be a challenge.

Deciding to stop bad habits isn’t always easy. It may take a while. You have to do some soul-searching and figure out ways of avoiding bad habits. You have to retrain your routine so that while you’re breaking bad habits you’re also forming new good ones.

Are you ready to stop the venture down a path of bad habits and create good health habits? Knowing how to break a habit is so simple yet one of the hardest things to do. To break a bad habit you must first decide that you want to. Yep, that’s it, the single hardest step to creating a good habit and breaking a bad habit is completely up to you. Decide now you’re going to do it and that’s it!

Decision made? Yes. AWESOME! Now you will find it easier to resist temptations. Don’t fall back into your old ways. Why? Because you’ve made a promise to yourself. Focus on the longer-term goals of wanting to be stronger, having more free time, knowing your home is functional and not disorganized. You have changed your tune in the universe. Now keep an eye out for all the new and positive changes coming your way. With a new outlook, new opportunities will happen, changing the way you live.

Everyone says quitting smoking is the hardest thing anyone can do. So if your bad habit was smoking, then you might not stop cold turkey overnight, but every time you light up a little Jimmy Cricket of a voice will tell you all the reasons you shouldn’t. Next time you are driving in the car instead of lighting up, chew some gum.

Maybe you’ve decided to get organized. So the next time instead of just throwing a pile of laundry on the floor, you will hear the inner voice of change and put the laundry away. By deciding to change, you’re letting the little voice power from a whisper to a yell.

So go ahead and make the decision. Today is the day that you can start. It may seem like you’re taking small steps at first but if you stay on the path of change, before long you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come. And it all started by making the decision. Good luck!


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