Your Home is Not a Museum. Why Treat it Like One?

by | Apr 7, 2024 | Home Organization Ideas, Psychology of Clutter | 0 comments

Museums are 100% organized with everything pinned or hung in place behind rope or glass and should not be touched. They are completely un-lived in spaces, not embracing the beauty of our ever-changing lives. We live in our homes, we love in our homes. We play, we sing, we cook, we bathe. Our homes are our sanctuaries, not exhibits. When we have clutter it makes our homes loud with chatter and chaos.

We can still take away some great lessons from a museum. Such as respect for how everything has its specific place. When things begin to get stagnant or dated it’s time for a new exhibit. And, what is on display should inspire.

Life evolves and rotates and so should our homes. The difference is, unlike a museum, which has a full staff, our homes can easily get out of control. The challenge is making sure we attend to the clutter and chaos often enough that it doesn’t get out of control and overwhelming. If we take some time once a day or once a week we can win the battle. By choosing to ignore the impending war we are defenseless when it’s all around us.

Organizing is a conscience effort. Just like exercise or leisure we have to dedicate time to what’s important. Cleaning and organizing may not seem important when your show is on. But go ahead and embrace the DVR. Pause the show, empty out that junk drawer, then reward yourself by fast-forwarding past commercials and boring dialog.

Trust that the rewards (or consequences) of organizing will be felt. Putting off or jamming items into a closet or drawer may seem easy at the moment but will become overwhelming and chaotic very quickly. Do a little here and there and you’ll see how it all adds up to a home that you can be proud of when friends and neighbors come over. It may not be as perfect as a museum but it will be a warm and welcoming organized home.


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