Do you ever have trouble letting go of gifts that people have given you? Do you hold onto items from your past even if you don’t like or use them? If you answered yes to these questions we would like you to know you have permission to let it go.
Think about it, are you holding onto these things because of fear, sorrow, guilt, or any number of other reasons? These reasons prevent you from being free in your own home. Holding onto something that you truly love or use is a whole other story.
Think about something you have been holding onto, that you know you don’t like or use. Ask yourself why? Is it because someone you love gave it to you? Do you think if you let it go that person and their memories go along with it? Or, is it because you fear the pain you will feel when you finally do let it go?
When we start to ask ourselves why we hold onto things it becomes so much clearer. If you spend a lot of money on something but never use it, does it make sense to keep it? Why? You pay every day to house things that you have lukewarm feelings for or worse, hate. Why? Because you’re “supposed to” love it, keep it, treasure it? If something serves no function in your life, and how you live today, that is the ultimate definition of clutter.
Now think about giving that item you were picturing away. How do you feel? Free? Happy? Relieved? Keeping things in our space that serve no function or joy drains our energy. They zap happy feelings in our own homes! Today is the day to give it away. Why hold onto something that someone else may love and cherish, especially if you despise it? You wouldn’t want a person in your home you had these feelings for, why have “stuff”?
Learning to identify items that bring you true joy takes practice. Once you learn what those items are, it will be easier to see the things that have been holding you back. Items that you have put off making a decision about is clutter. Clutter is just a bunch of unmade decisions.
Do you fear one day you may need it? If you needed it would you be able to find it, or will you eventually have to go get another one? Think about that. In this day and age, it is very unlikely you will have to go without something you need. At the end of the day, what do we really need? Food, Shelter, Love. Does clutter do that for you?
Decide to be happy and free and let the things that no longer serve a purpose in your life today, go. You have permission.