Create your Holiday Grand Plan for an Organized Christmas

by | Nov 19, 2023 | General Organization Tips & Tricks, Holiday Organization Tips, Home Organization Tips | 0 comments

It’s that time of year again when the leaves are changing (at least everywhere but here in Florida), the air is crisp, and the malls are full. Friends and family are on their way. You look around to realize the house is a cluttered, disorganized mess. Plus after they leave you will be left behind with gifts demanding space in your home. But where will it go? What will you do with it all!?

Relax, creating your holiday grand plan for an organized Christmas starts today! Step one, it’s time to start to declutter and organize your home. You should make it a holiday tradition to cut clutter before you unpack all the tinsel and lights.

Start by looking in all your closets to see where you can make room. Are you finding things that were crammed in there from last Christmas? Now is the time to let them go. If something doesn’t inspire you and make you happy, it shouldn’t be allowed in your space for another year. That’s clutter.

When you declutter and organize your home for the holidays keep in mind why you’re doing it. Is it because the family will be coming? Is it because you know your children will be receiving 20 new toys that you’ll need to make space for? Whatever your reason make sure you keep it in the forefront of your mind. This will keep you motivated and help you decide when it’s time to let go.

Now is the time to pull things out of the nooks and crannies that have been ignored all year long. This will get you on the right path for the new year. Letting things go makes it a lot easier to find a new home for all those gift goodies you are going to receive.

After you have decluttered, start to decorate for the holidays in bliss. Don’t forget when putting away your holiday decorations to wrap lights around cardboard or store them in the boxes they came in. When wrapping delicate ornaments in paper or bubble wrap write a quick description on a piece of tape. Taking a few extra minutes to lovingly put decorations away will prevent a holiday headache next year. Your future self will thank you.

Now you’re ready to party. Have a rockin’ holiday season!

P.S. If you’re looking for better ways to pack up all the holiday stuff, checkout our article Small Steps to Better Enjoy Packing Away Holiday Decorations.


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