How Will I Know When It’s Time to Let Go?

by | Sep 24, 2023 | Home Organization Ideas, Home Organization Tips | 0 comments

Picking up items on a whim and/or holding onto items we don’t want or use, leads to inconvenient clutter in our homes. Instead of making rash decisions on what should stay in your home, try making thoughtful decisions on what should go.

When trying to decide if something should stay in your home ask yourself:

  • What would happen if this were not available to me?
  • Does this item make my life better?
  • Can I move on and adapt with a different item that has more value and usability?
  • What’s the worst that can happen if I let this go?

Holding onto things because someone gave it to you or because you spent a lot of money on it, or simply because you think you might use it someday, may seem like the best decision. But, if it doesn’t serve your life, what does it ending up costing you?

Releasing items that are useful, but not useful to you, is a blessing to both you and your belongings. Allowing things to go to new homes will give them new function and purpose, plus, it releases you as well. You are no longer bound to an item because it no longer lives in your home.

Allow yourself a little bit of time to really seek out what you need and why. This will ensure you purchase (and bring in) more targeted items. Do not satisfy the whims of your inner shopper, instead focus on the desires and needs of your true self.

Next time you start to purchase (or accept) something on a whim ask yourself the following:

  • Do I need this?
  • How will I use it?
  • Where will it live?

If you cannot answer all three of these questions, walk away. Ask yourself these questions whenever you’re deciding on bringing anything new inside your space. Gifts, mail, shopping, friends’ and relatives’ belongings should all receive a once over before coming through the door.

Asking the tough questions now will save bigger heartaches down the road. Allow yourself a little discomfort and see how comfortable your world becomes.


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