If the Answer is No, Let it Go!!

by | Oct 8, 2023 | Home Organization Ideas, Home Organization Tips, Psychology of Clutter | 0 comments

The Marie Kondo method is sweeping the nation. We are told if something sparks joy we should keep it, if not, we should let it go. Joy is a subjective thing though, and many can’t decipher love from appreciation. Instead of asking yourself does this provoke joy, maybe start asking yourself, is this replaceable?

Is the item one of many? Is it something you haven’t looked at, cleaned, used in years? If something is easily accessible and serves little to no function in your life, that’s clutter.

Holding onto something with the thought of “maybe one day” is costing you day in and day out. If you have zero intention for belongings you possess, their use in your life is none. They’re simply taking up valuable space.

When you surround yourself with things you love, coming home from work is an enjoyable experience. There will be less to maintain, clean and trip over. Learning to create your space with only useful things takes practice and perseverance. It means pruning your belongings each season.

Eliminating possessions from the past sometimes means letting go of memories or even dreams. Once you get through those tense feelings, you’ll find a flow on the other side. Things will feel lighter, brighter and easier to navigate.

Take a few minutes to eliminate what’s unnecessary each evening (or season, or year). Remember to only bring items into your home that you have an intended use for. And don’t hold onto things because you feel guilty. Sally gave you that bowl because she hated it!

What you loved in the past should not define you as a person. Those experiences were there to help you step up to who you are today. Without failure, without struggle, things don’t seem to hold as much weight. You wouldn’t move a 50 ton boulder all at once, you would just diligently chip away at it.

Clutter is no different. It took weeks, months or even years to get where you are today. All you have to do is to take the first step for life to be different.

I challenge you to take 15 minutes, not two hours or a whole day, to decide on a few things that have been cluttering up your home. Do this each evening and you’ll find yourself getting in the habit of letting things go. Take the time to determine if items fit and function in your life today. And remember, if the answer is no, let it go.


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