Why Do We Hold onto Things?
There are many reasons that we keep clutter in our homes. Things that remind us of happier times, a memory, or event. It brings us back. This can be a good thing or a bad thing. Good if the memories are happy ones, bad if they aren’t. Sometimes we hold onto things because we can’t let go of the past. But if we really ask ourselves, honestly, it’s easier to realize we will get along just fine without those items.
Why should you hold onto something your grandmother gave you before she died if it makes you miserable every time you look at it? You might be asking “what do I do with it then?” Or saying “my family says I should keep it.”
Now ask yourself what is the worst that can happen if you let it go? Will anyone even notice? You might think they will, but you may be surprised that the conversation never comes up. Besides how would anyone even know if it is stuffed in the back of a closet? If you are concerned with how your family will react, ask them if they would like to keep the item. If none of them want it then why should you live with the burden? If they do want it great, you can freely let it go.
We are not our belongings; our belongings are not us. Precious, cherished memories will not fade away simply because a picture, piece of furniture or stack of papers did. Memories and experiences are who we are. Clutter doesn’t have to stand in the way of who we become. Simply holding onto things because one day you might need it or because you “should” keep it is not a good enough reason.
Life is a evolution. If you don’t allow the winds of change, things become stagnant and dull. Letting go of items that we hold onto so fiercely can bring about a change that is unexpected and beautiful. It can help us move forward and allow space and freedom for new things coming into our lives. Once you throw open your arms and accept the wind, life will begin to move again. Holding on to things too tightly causes stress and unease. Releasing allows opening and breath.
So should you release (or keep) your grandmothers most cherished possessions? Who am I to say? This is a question that only you can answer. Do these items enhance your life and make it better? Are they out on display because you love them so deeply? If they were to get broken how would you feel? Would you forget your beloved Grandmother without these possessions?
At first this change may be hard. Hell asking yourself these tough questions really is the hardest part. We’ve all been so conditioned to acquire and continue acquiring. We’ve all been told we will be happier, thinner, better people if we have these “things”. Are you happy?
Now is the time to start enjoying the perfect experience, the perfect bottle of wine or the perfect person. Choose to spend your time with the ones you love and surround yourself with only the things you cherish and soon enough you’ll feel the winds of change.